Maryland Group Benefit Strategies Pennsylvania


We help you select the right package to fit your needs.

Short Term Disability Insurance

These enhanced benefits pay a percentage of an employee’s salary on a weekly basis in the event of a temporarily-disabling sickness or injury. They typically begin within 1-8 days after becoming disabled, and can continue for up to 26 weeks.

For injuries, benefits can begin immediately. Illnesses, however, must be qualified as disabling before benefits can begin.

If an employee is severely injured or recovering from a debilitating illness, STD benefits can protect against short term loss of income until they can return to work. Many employers find that this added benefit pays big dividends in peace of mind for their employees.

Long Term Disability Insurance

The prospect of becoming disabled and unable to work for a long period of time is frightening. Few people without Long Term Disability coverage have the resources to be able to withstand the financial devastation that can result if income is interrupted by a disabling event.

LTD benefits can begin when STDs expire, usually at three to six months, and continue to pay a portion of your salary as long as you need it-whether that’s a year, five years, or until retirement.

Ask us about Long Term Disability benefit plans and how your company can benefit from including this feature in your Employee Benefit Package. The state of mind of your employees can be one of your company’s biggest assets.

Give us a call at 410-420-2828 for an assessment today or contact us online. One of our representatives will follow up with you shortly.

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Dental Insurance

Vision Insurance

Life Insurance

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